Caleb Chia

"If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself." - 2 Tim 2:13

Sunday, June 29, 2008

purpose of man!

The ROLES of a man is not equal to the PURPOSE of man...

It is very important for every single man in this world to know the purpose of our existence... This is because God is a God of purpose, the purpose of a thing is always in the mind of the creator, the purpose of a thing will determine it's potential, the potential of a thing will also reveals it purpose, and lastly, when the purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable...

(1) Connected to God's presence!
(Adam was put in the garden of Eden)

(2) To Communicate & Teach!
(Adam was given instructions)

(3) Role of provider!
(Adam was given work to tend)

(4) Role of protector!
(Adam was given a garden to keep)

(5) Leadership & Ownership!
(Adam was given the task to name all the animals)

To all men (including myself), let's arise and fulfill the purposes of men!

Caleb is back!

I know it has been a long long time since i last blog.. I've decided to make a come back! I'll try my best to be consistent and defeat the 2nd greatest enemy in my life, mr. procrastination!